drink....as much you can

Habits must change…
Keeps a glass of water next to you all the time & make sure you drink it!
If youre healthty, Nothing will happen except that you’ll be running to the toilet often.
If you dont like the bland taste of water,fruit juices also good alternatives! However, your sugar level might spike from all of fructose.  Recomemended dose is to mix 80% of vegatables (preferably green) with 20% of fruits. That way, besides replineshing your fluids, and you also get the added vitamins and nutrients.

There is nothing wrong with drinking the entire recommended amount at one go. Since more people cannot handle so much fluid at a time, then drinking at two –to – three hour intervals should ensure the daily dose is covered, though it’s best to consume everything before 6pm so that sleep is not disturbed at night!

drink espicially on your haj or omra...
